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Everyman's Endurance Company
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Guest Book 

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Name: Kate Kaisert
Date: 01/25/2016
Message: It took some digging to find your site, Steve, but I'm so glad I did! It looks great! Such good information! now you just have to start training me!

Name: Dr Thomas O'Shaughnessy
Date: 08/06/2007
Message: Signing in guest book

Date: 10/12/2005
Message: I have been using this product for almost a year now. After a couple of months I noticed feeling a bit more energy than usual. I recently had my Cholesterol checked and it was lowered by several points. My good cholesterol went up and my tryglicerides went way down. The only thing that I have changed is taking the flax daily. I have always had high cholesterol despite trying to watch my diet and getting plenty of exercise. It has always stayed about the same. Its the first time my levels have lowered this much. I will continue to use this product. I don't want to take statins. This is a good thing!!! You should try it.

Name: Dave G.
Date: 10/10/2005
Message: I am 63 years old. My family has a history of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I started an exercise program 25 years ago. It includes weight-training, running and racquetball. I was noticing a lack of energy at the end of my work day. A friend of mine recommended Competitrain. My energy level has improved and one of the great side benefits was that my cholesterol has gone down 18 percent.

Name: Dave Hackbarth
Date: 09/03/2005
Message: I have to tell my story regarding my experience with Competitrain. My dad and both my brothers have high cholesterol and triglycerides. They are taking medication for this problem and I was headed down the same path. Years ago I started exercising on a regular basis - biking, running and weight training. The exercise helped, but I was always boarder line. I am still exercising, but at the suggestion of a friend I have added Competitrain to my diet. I added it in my oatmeal, cereal, or yogurt in the morning. I just had a checkup and my HDL, LDL, triglycerides and blood sugar are all in the normal range. The only change was adding Competitrain. I have also lost five pounds since I started taking the product.

Name: Alexandra
Date: 05/17/2004
Message: Thank you for including a link to my sister's website.

Name: Jerry Oaks
Date: 10/21/2003
Message: I've been taking the competitrain flax for several months now and at first I wasn't sure what to expect. I have never been a health nut but my doctor told me the benifits of flax and I thought I'd try this competitrain stuff to see what it was all about. I am so happy for purchasing this product and recommend it to anyone wanting a little more jump in their step or boost in their day.

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